Live Lane Information System (LLIS)

Protect staff crossing live traffic lanes with AI technology.

Join the leading UK businesses who trust Fleetclear technology to connect their fleet and protect their staff

How we can help

Fleetclear’s Live Lane Information System (LLIS) uses AI technology to detect oncoming traffic in the adjacent live-lane and alert operatives, reducing the risk of collisions or near-misses.

Externally mounted wide-angle Al cameras detect oncoming vehicles and warning lights at the rear of the vehicle alert collection staff of oncoming danger before they step out from behind the vehicle.

Innovative features.

Long-range vehicle detection: Externally mounted wide-angle Al cameras detect oncoming vehicles up to 30m.

Operator warning: Peripheral warning lights illuminate at the rear of the vehicle to warn operators of oncoming danger before entering the live lane.

Smart filter: Intelligent Al camera image recognition algorithms filter out street furniture to avoid false alarms.

Adjustable detection zones: Configurable detection areas can be tailored to scenario-specific requirements.

Seamless Connection.
Guaranteed Protection.

Over a decade of technical innovation in vehicle safety

Installation handled by our team of qualified in-house engineers

Backed by Fleetclear’s leading after-sales support and warranties

Fleetclear engineer team
Fleetclear engineer team

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